5 Ways to Scale ANY Business

part1, there are only five ways to scale how many people you can sell to. for any business and, I'm gonna give you all five and a framework to Think. Through you can apply to any business, you ever start for the rest of your. life if you're not selling as many clients or customers, as you want you might. be able to fix that within just a few minutes if you don't, know who. I am my name is Alex Mosey I'm the founder of acquisition.com portfolio companies that. is, over 200 million dollars a year and I make these videos because I want. you to use as, much of my free stuff as you can grow your business. to three to 100 million dollars in revenue and allow us to invest. in your business to scale beyond that let me tell, you how I discovered this. scaling framework a few years ago I went to this Meetup and to, the businesses. range between 30 on the low end and 250 million dollars on top line on. the, high end so everyone got there got up and shared stuff that was working. well for them in, their respective Industries everything from phone repairs to solar sales to. solar to a massive International MLM selling, supplement so the experiences were super diverse so. as I listen to each of the speakers and I, was among the smallest in. the room at the time one thing became really clear to me no, one had. any magic that I didn't have the two biggest observations that I had were that. one, people there had been in business longer than me doing the same thing there. entire time that was, a big lesson for me growth just happened as a consequence. of not stopping and steady consistent improvements, over time that is my biggest first takeaway. they've been doing it a long time they hadn't changed, directions and they just been. getting a little bit better the second thing is that they all attacked, a much. bigger Market segment than me in other words they had a much larger TAM an. investing, term for total addressable Market a lot of people who you could recently qualify. to buy or things, so in the beginning you want to Niche down so that's. normal so if you'm new it's normal, to want to, attract a narrow field it's. also easier to deliver to a very narrow segment you can be exactly what they want over time though it's natural for a business to, expand its scope and by extension its Market if you look at Apple for. example they're not Niche, Netflix isn't Niche it's just when it's a question of sequence. so those guys sell to everyone and, you start a niche and then. you expand the size of your business over time you can get to the point where you're selling to a lot more people than you were when you started and then you can start to sell to a much bigger market than you did when you were starting and you can go up market and so they went Enterprise so they. went to Fortune 500, companies the pros are the deals are worth significantly more and. they churn far less of it because, you're dealing with more sophisticated business owners you. don't have non-payment issues the cons are they're harder to, sell sometimes it takes six. 18 months to close a Fortune 500 deal and it takes a lot longer to close an Enterprise deal than it does to sell a small business to a hair salon or franchises that would, be going. uh Market if I sold a widget to small business owners like Salesforce did in. The, beginning over time they went up market. The pros are that the whole Marketplace is that every segment, has a higher or more leveraged version of. its core going Fortune owners or owners so if I were to sell it at, hair salons I could go. up Market to multi-location chains or big National chains. The cons are that it takes longer to sell Enterprise deals so they can't go up Market if they were to go to the same level of business owners or franchises. Horizon, if you. build an enormous business you'll do all five of these scaling methods but everyone who's. watching, this you would only do one the first thing that you can do if. you envision your business going up Market. The second way to do it is that the long run bottom line of business to increase you float of customers every day would increase the quality I would increase, business in every new day would sell to more people. 500., 500, 500, 1,000, 1 million people every day you can increase your quality be selling to more and more people. to increase the number of customers you can. increase your business in the short run. 500. 500.