The 13 BEST Side Hustles To Start (at EVERY AGE)

Having a side hustle helped me to save and invest a lot more money than would have. been possible from just a nine to five job but deciding what size hustles are the right one for you can be tricky. Today i'm going to run through some of my favorite ways. you can make some extra money at every age. I'm also going to share with you my financial targets i aimed for each stage if you watch the video until the end you'll know the perfect side Hustle to start at whatever age you're at. And how you should pivot and adapt over time to make the most money possible. from 13 years old all the way up to my age 33. i think i. got away with that tonight well just think of it like a Pokemon you start. small with just a few skills and then you evolve and you become more skilled. and a lotMore powerful maybe one day you'll be powerful enough to absolutely destroy. that thumbs up button and subscribe at the same time right so let's start off. with level one which is when you're 13 to 16 years old my side hustles. target for this age was around about 50 to 150 per month of course this is just a benchmark for you to aim for but if you're making more than. this then you're ahead of where i was at that age when i was younger. When i was 14 i washed cars i used to charge two. dollars per car and then one dollar if they had a second car it was. great because the start up costs were really low and all i needed was a. sponge a bucket and a bit of hard work. If you want to get paid to stay fit it keeps you mentally strong as you have to meet lots of interesting people you start at 14 and expect to make around two hundred dollars per month when you are 16. A good way to make money at the weekend could be to become a sports referee this is a great way to earn extra money. When you're 16 you can become a tutor and earn around twenty dollars per hour but if they are in a particular area you can do a lot of things in that area. When I was 16 and 18 I was at this level i had about two hundred and fifty dollars and four hundred dollars a month for this particular area of my life. It's amazing how much you can learn about business and. entrepreneurship by doing this from a really young age. It helps you understand how to manage people and make a profit it was definitely a big reason i fell in. love with being an entrepreneur. i saw this as the perfect opportunity to try. everything and figured out what i did and i didn't like i also made a. lot of mistakes but you know what really it doesn't matter because i didn’t have much money to lose in the first place all i had was my time and. i had plenty of that. i just got on. with it and started a side business that was. cheap to get up and running and i saw it as a great chance to try and learn more and more about business. It was also a great opportunity to learn how to make lots of decisions quickly and to meet people quickly and have lots of ideas quickly to meet their needs. I was also able to learn a lot about how to set up a business and how to run a business from the ground up. i was able to start a business where i could make money during the week so i could focus on getting better at the things i love doing and developing my skills in those particular areas. I think i can do this all the time from the age of 13 to 18 and it's not bad at all at all. which isn't all that bad. I've also been able to make over 50k per year. in multiple different schools until he got shut down wherever there's a demand money can. be made at school there is always a demand for candy you may have to check if this is allowed at your school but i don't i just get on. with it. I also got on with it at school and  just got on  with it  it was a great opportunity to learn about being a business owner.  a boy in the uk did this and he was making over 50,000 dollars a year until he was shut down. I was more interested in selling it at the time i was more interested. in selling it at school this is something you can think about doing as well. i had a massive. box full of candy which i never thought about eating as i was on top of my normal job. I didn't think about eating it at the time. I just got a big chocolate company and a big candy company. I never thought to eat it.